10 Parameter Urine Strips | Dipstick Tests

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These urine test strips are used by medical professionals around the world to quickly identify a number of possible indicators of many different illnesses or conditions. Our urinalysis reagent test strips. are packed in a standard sealed tub as shown above

Pack Option: Pack of 100, 200, and 300 Test Strips

The urine test strip covers the universal standard 10 parameters:

- Leukocytes
- Nitrite
- Urobilinogen
- Protein
- pH
- Blood
- Specific Gravity
- Ketone
- Bilirubin
- Glucose

10 Parameter Urine Test Strips – CE Marked for Self-Testing and Professional Use

These urine test strips are used by medical professionals around the world to quickly identify a number of possible indicators of many different illnesses or conditions. Our urinalysis reagent test strips are packed in a standard sealed tub as shown above

What results will I get?

These strips are meant for medical professionals and they will fully understand the purpose of these tests and how to interpret the results as they are standard urinalysis strip tests. Effectively any positive result for any of the tests will require further investigation unless the likely cause of the positive result is already known e.g. blood in urine can be a normal result if the urine is from a menstruating female.

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