How to make Kefir Starter Cultures

kefir starter culture

Our powdered Kefir Starter Culture from Cultures for Health is a wonderful option for families that want to try Kefir and make a few batches.

You can watch the main differences between Kefir Starter Cultures and Kefir Grains here (view last video on page).

What you will need:

  • 1 x glass or plastic container.
  • 1 x plastic, wood or stainless steel stirring utensil.
  • 1 x coffee filter or cloth.
  • 1 x rubber band to secure cover.
  • 1 x packet of Kefir Starter Culture.
  • 1 x quart of liquid used for culturing (dairy milk, coconut milk, coconut water, or fruit juice. *Note: Avoid ultra-pasteurized milk).  

How to make Kefir:
  1. Add 1 quart liquid of your choice to your container of choice. *Note: If the liquid was refrigerated, heat to 21º - 23ºC.
  2. Add your packet of Kefir Starter Culture and stir until dissolved.
  3. Cover your container with the coffee filter or cloth and secure with the rubber band.
  4. Place in a warm spot for 12-16 hours.
  5. Once you've finished culturing your kefir, it can be stored in the refrigerator. 

How to reculture the Kefir:
Your Kefir can be recultured from 2 to 7 times. The number depends on the freshness of your Kefir and how you prepared the first batch.
Reculture within 7 days. The longer you wait, the less successful your reculture will be. 
  1. Add 1 quart liquid of your choice to your container of choice. *Note: If the liquid was refrigerated, heat to 21º - 23ºC.
  2. Add ¼ cup of your finished Kefir from the previous batch and stir.
  3. Cover your container with the coffee filter or cloth and secure with the rubber band.
  4. Place in a warm spot for 12-16 hours.
  5. Once you've finished culturing your kefir, it can be stored in the refrigerator. 

How do I know if the Kefir is done culturing?
  • Dairy Milk: When the milk has thickened to the consistency of heavy cream.
  • Coconut Milk: When the milk has a sour, less sweet aroma. *Note: Cultured coconut milk doesn't thicken like dairy milk.
  • Coconut Water or Juice: When the water or juice becomes cloudy and less sweet.